Some of our Ministries and Offerings
God's Work, Our Hands this Saturday 8:30 a.m.
Sharing & Caring
ALC Share & Care vegetable stand is up and ready. Garden fresh produce to share, trade or just take home & enjoy.
Quilts for Lutheran World Relief
Mondays at ALC 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Skilled or not, everyone welcome!
Women of Faith Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m.
The Chosen-Season 4
Contact Sherry Furrow or church office for more information.
All are welcome!
God's Work ~ Our Hands
September 14 & 21
Need a hand with some chores?
Email to Barb's attention at
Property Team Spring Marathon
Work teams were busy making repairs on moving wall, sanctuary door; faucets replaced in the sacristy & kitchen; general repairs & maintenance done inside & out.
Church Council Officers
President Gail Schultz
Vice-President Tonie Kuchar
Treasurer Linda Halvorson
Secretary Bethany Strand
Many hands assembled over 200 Health Kits at May Youth Gathering with materials collected from Lenten offerings for Lutheran World Relief
ALC Ministry Teams & Directors
Worship & Music ~ Brittani Seagren
Discipleship ~ Joe Schroeder
Outreach ~ Barb Schroeder
Community Life ~ Jean Ball
Finance- Nancy Tholen
Youth & Family ~ Laura Genson
Property ~ Mike Furrow
Stewardship for All Seasons ~ Teresa Browning
Community Life Team: 2nd Saturday, 11 am
Council Meeting: 2nd Tuesday at 6:30 pm
Discipleship Team: Will meet as needed
Outreach Team: 1st Monday at 6:30 pm
Stewardship Team: Will meet as needed
Women of Faith Bible Study: see above message
Worship and Music Team: 3rd Thursday, 3 pm
Youth & Family Team: 1st Thursday at 6 pm
There's always something happening at ALC!
Past, present and future programs:
Adopt-a-Highway, Blessings in a Backpack, Book Club, Celebrations, Coffee Fellowship, Contemporary Praise Band, Food Pantry, Health Kits for Lutheran World Relief, Men in Mission, Prairieview Lutheran Home, Red Cross Blood Drives, Quilters for Lutheran World Relief, Salvation Army, Special Events, Toys for Tots, Youth Group, VBS, WELCA